Combat for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon lies in its fundamental mechanics and the available actions at your disposal. This section will primarily delve into essential aspects such as Huds, basic maneuvering techniques for Armored Cores, load-outs, enemy particulars, and additional related details. It will also furnish comprehensive information on combat in general, along with specific mechanics unique to the game.

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Armored Core 6 Combat

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon excels in its extensive customization options, but its standout qualities lie in its fast-paced and seamless traversal and combat mechanics. Players can anticipate constant action as they pilot their Armored Cores against waves of basic yet formidable mechanoids guarding various areas. Engaging these sentries will result in relentless attacks aimed at your destruction. While these mechanoids typically serve as the game's basic enemies, they often appear in groups and can overwhelm your Armored Core if caution is not exercised. However, the advanced weaponry and architecture of the Armored Cores grant them a significant advantage over these primary mechanoids. With their ability to eliminate groups of enemies, Armored Cores become the ultimate tools of destruction.

Expect to face a barrage of enemy fire, requiring skilled maneuvering for survival. This leads to an exhilarating, fast-paced action experience with bullets and missiles raining down as you fight to stay alive and retaliate. Fortunately, maneuvering becomes much easier with the assistance of the reliable boosters and energy sources equipped in your Armored Core. On foot, evading enemy fire and maneuvering effectively would prove challenging. The booster and generator of the Armored Core are crucial assets for survival. Players will rely on their Armored Core's boosters to gracefully navigate through bullet and missile storms.

While we have highlighted the intense battles against mechanoids, let's not forget about the clashes between Armored Cores themselves. As a mercenary, players will confront other pilots who command their special Armored Cores. These encounters can either aid or hinder the protagonist in achieving their goals. Additionally, major corporations dispatch their mercenaries to challenge you, creating a survival-of-the-fittest dynamic. Apart from boss battles, battles between Armored Cores showcase the gameplay remarkably well. Both parties possess equal levels of strength, weapon capabilities, speed, and defensive maneuverability.

These battles become flashy displays of strength and tactical prowess, determining the superior pilot at the end of the day. Players can expect Armored Core battles while progressing through the main scenario quest in between missions. However, a word of advice: this game presents a formidable challenge, especially for newcomers. Players will be immersed in intense loadout management and energy consumption management while striving to protect their Armored Core and survive.


The Basics of Combat In Armored Core 6

Customization in Armored Core 6

One of the defining characteristics of the series is the tremendous and boundless freedom it offers to players when customizing their Armored Cores. This customization aspect stands as the series' greatest strength, providing players with the opportunity to express their unique playstyles through these powerful mechanical behemoths known as Armored Cores. Players are granted an extensive selection of weapons and parts to choose from. As mentioned earlier, the game features a wide range of weapons, including handguns, rifles, missile launchers, blades, shields, cannons, ammo packs, pile bunkers, and numerous other deadly implements. It's important to note that these weapons not only come in different types but also have their own variants, such as those that fire solid or laser rounds. Additionally, Armored Core parts, from the head unit to the leg components, can be interchanged to accommodate various playstyles. However, it's worth mentioning that each setup or loadout has its advantages and disadvantages.

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For instance, consider an Armored Core equipped with tank-like legs. While this configuration allows for carrying the heaviest equipment, such as devastating shoulder cannons, it greatly compromises movement speed due to the bulkiness. These tank-style Armored Cores boast exceptional defense capabilities, but their larger size makes them more vulnerable to attacks. On the other hand, humanoid-type Armored Cores offer versatility. Although they struggle with heavy weaponry like cannons, they compensate with lightning-fast speed, enabling them to outmaneuver opponents. Typically, players who opt for these types of Armored Cores are seasoned veterans. While their defense power tends to be low to moderate due to the lightweight or moderate frames they utilize. Furthermore, customization extends beyond the functional aspects, allowing players to personalize the overall aesthetics of their Armored Cores. They can dynamically alter the paint job of their Armored Cores to add personal touches. By understanding their own playstyle, players can construct their dream Armored Cores and strive for victory, tailoring their machines to suit their preferences and strategies.

Stagger Mechanic

Armored Core 6 introduces the recently added Stagger Mechanic, bringing a new dimension to the gameplay. According to the information received, both player-controlled Armored Cores and enemy units will possess their own Stagger Gauges. These gauges gradually deplete when a target sustains damage, and once fully depleted, the affected Armored Core becomes immobilized, leaving it vulnerable to devastating attacks. While the specific impact of weapons on the Stagger Gauge has yet to be confirmed, based on our experience with the series, continuous damage or powerful weaponry such as Laser Blades or solid rounds from cannons can rapidly deplete the gauge, effectively staggering enemies. Employing this strategy by depleting an enemy's Stagger Gauge and capitalizing on their vulnerable state presents a viable approach.

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In previous installments, certain weapons had the capability to cause Armored Cores to overheat, rendering their boosters unusable. In Armored Core 6, it is plausible to expect the introduction of a specialized weapon type that focuses on depleting the Stagger Gauge, offering players a distinct means of control and disruption in combat.

Energy Management

Energy assumes a paramount role in Armored Core 6, serving as the lifeblood upon which the player's success hinges, ensuring their survival in the face of adversity. The maneuverability of Armored Cores heavily relies on the availability of energy and the utilization of boosters. This precious resource enables traversal across diverse terrains, including bodies of water, while its most critical function lies in evading the onslaught of bullets and missiles. Without energy and boosters, Armored Cores are unable to exhibit the agility akin to a hound or the gracefulness of a bird in flight.

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The total energy capacity of an Armored Core is directly linked to the effectiveness of its equipped generator, while the boosting capabilities are influenced by the quality of the installed booster. Astute management of the energy pool holds the key to the player's triumph, enabling them to reach designated destinations and skillfully evade enemy projectiles. Reckless boosting drains the energy reservoir rapidly, depleting it entirely and rendering the Armored Core incapable of further boosting, leaving it vulnerable to incoming attacks while forced to traverse on foot.

Supply Stations in Armored Core 6

Armored Core 6 introduces a groundbreaking mechanic that allows players to replenish their load-outs, revolutionizing the series' gameplay. According to recent information provided by FromSoftware, strategic checkpoints have been strategically placed across the battlefield. Upon discovering these key locations, players can take a much-needed breather and restore their ammunition, a crucial resource in the Armored Core series. However, the introduction of Repair Kits in the game is a game-changer. In these restoration points, players can not only replenish their ammunition but also refill their Repair Kits.

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Think of these checkpoints as the equivalent of the Estus Flask from the Dark Souls series or the Flask of the Crimson Tears from Elden Ring. It is unprecedented in the series for players to be able to repair their Armored Cores, and this mechanic provides a significant advantage, particularly for newcomers who can enjoy the game with a bit of flexibility. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of these Restore Checkpoints, as countless missions in the past have presented challenges where insufficient ammo or Armored Core HP hindered progress.


Mastering The HUD in Armored Core 6

The Importance of HUDs

It is a must to master the basics of combat in order to survive on the battlefield. Essential techniques such as basic maneuvering, being adept at boosting capabilities, and such, however, one must pay attention and adapt to the Armored Core 6's HUD or user interface. The information that a player can observe with the help of Huds is tremendously valuable to progress. Thus, mastering these visual representations plays a critical role in success. In this section, we will cover the fundamentals of how the player HUD works.

Lock-on Target in Armored Core 6

This is the large circle that embodies the Armored Core's point of view. Whenever the player moves the right analog stick, the lock-on target. Locking on to enemies is very crucial in the reason of, for your load-outs to be utilized or simply fire your weapons. Without lock-on, the Armored Core's weaponry will not perform to its best potential and will lead to a waste of resources such as munitions. Especially when utilizing missiles, locking on to targets requires the missile to work and track its target.

Energy Gauge in Armored Core 6

The energy gauge is one of the most important aspects that an Armored Core Pilot needs to keep his or her eye on. Managing your energy gauge dictates your Armored Core's survivability in the field of combat. Without energy, you are an open target to enemies thus, it is crucial to manage your Armored Core's Energy. One cannot do this without checking the energy gauge levels. Be wise and monitor its levels and success will be inevitable.

Stagger Bar in Armored Core 6

As previously mentioned, both the players and their enemies have their own stagger bar. When the Stagger fills up, the target will be opened for attacks, unable to move, and can suffer immense damage. Obviously one must pay attention to the Stagger Bar to avoid catastrophic damage. If the subject is the player's stagger bar. While paying attention to the enemy's stagger bar will provide players with an immense opportunity to outsmart their enemies.

Expansion Slot Display

The HUD shows and reminds the player that a possible Expansion is ready for use. It is to forget the one has this loadout thus this is an effective way of alleviating this concern. Judging from the demo and past experiences, the Expansions may provide both offensive and defensive leverages. The expansion slot is located in the lower-left corner of the HUD.

Repair Kit Count Display

As previously mentioned as well, Repair Kits were only introduced in Armored Core 6. The ability to heal your Armored Core brings light to polarized take from the fans or either a groundbreaking mechanic. This will certainly give leverage for all the players since old Armored Core Titles did not have the said mechanic and players were forced to preserve their Armored Core's integrity to complete the mission all throughout the mission. In Armored Core 6, it is crucial to monitor how many Repair Kits a player has to manage effectively to last in a mission.

Scan Display

Scanning the area is a hefty mechanic, giving the player the ability to have knowledge of his or her surrounding. Scanning the field provides a lot of positive points. Especially when scouting enemy positions. Knowing where your enemy lies can provide you with the knowledge to strategize and formulate the best approach possible. The scan ability is finite, and the HUD shows how much players can take advantage of this mechanic.

Speed Gauge and Altitude Meter

Armored Cores move on a vast three-dimensional space thus the need for boosters is paramount. The HUD displays how fast the Armored Core goes and even displays its current altitude. According to past experience, these meters will show their importance when completing special mission conditions such as moving at a certain speed or flying at a certain altitude. These displays will help the player hit specific targets.

Ammo Count & Spare Magazines Display

In the Armored Core Series, load-out management is everything. Managing your resources such as Energy and Ammunition plays a pivotal role when completing missions. It is a must to effectively manage your resources and the HUD helps the players to monitor their ammo count and their spares.


Armored Core Weapons AKA Units

Weapons or units in Armored Core 6 are where the extensive selection of weapon types comes into play. Alongside the multitude of available parts, the Armored Core Series offers an immense variety of weapons for players to explore. The game boasts an expansive list of weaponry, each designed to cater to different situations, resulting in captivating gameplay. The level of versatility and intricacy is truly unparalleled. From compact pistols to powerful rifles, cannons, mini-guns, laser blades, shields, ammo packs, missile launchers, and more, the range of options is staggering. While we may not have sufficient information to provide detailed explanations of each weapon type, we can offer a general idea of how the weapon system operates within Armored Core, particularly in relation to load-outs. An Armored Core unit can equip a maximum of four weapons, provided the player adeptly manages the overall weight of the AC.

Right Weapon Unit

In the standard Armored Core configuration, the right-hand weapon serves as the primary armament. A wide array of weapon types can be equipped in this slot. However, the common approach is to opt for medium to heavy weapons, including machine guns, hand cannons, rifles firing laser or solid rounds, mini-guns, shotguns, and even pile bunkers. It is worth noting that the right weapon unit does not correspond solely to offensive types of weapons. Players will have the freedom to use whatever type of arm unit they desire. It can be a defensive type of arm unit like equipping two shields at a time. Diversity is where Armored Core shines and developers are encouraging players to be creative as possible.

Left Weapon Unit

The left arm is dedicated to sub-weapons, such as handguns and shields. It's important to note that, if the weight allows, players have the option to equip identical weapons in both arms, while reserving the left arm for powerful laser blades designed for close-quarters combat. Find the optimal combinations that suit your preferred playstyle. Shields have been highlighted in the demo as particularly useful in confined spaces, and it will be intriguing to see their performance in Armored Core versus Armored Core battles.

Left & Right Back Units

Back units are attached to the shoulders of the Armored Core, providing additional firepower during combat. These back units are formidable arsenals that encompass a range of devastating weaponry, including Gatling guns, cannons firing long solid rounds, plasma cannons, quad missile launchers, and more. While these units primarily focus on offensive capabilities, players can also explore utility-oriented back units that enhance various aspects of the Armored Core. These utility units may offer advantages such as increased radar range, enhanced boosters, improved turning speed, and other beneficial attributes.


Expansions, a newly introduced component in Armored Core 6, have not yet been fully explained or detailed in terms of their optimal usage. Based on my knowledge as an AC enthusiast, it is highly likely that Expansions will function similarly to Hanger Units, which have been removed in this installment. Hanger Units traditionally served as attachments for weapons or utilities, offering additional functionality. Therefore, Expansions can be seen as the closest equivalent to Hanger Units, albeit with specific details still undisclosed.

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